Republic #54 : Double Blind


Republic #54 : Double Blind -22 Years BNH

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Republic #54 : Double Blind
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Joe Wayne
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:June 4, 2003
Publisher:Dark Horse
While the rest of the Jedi have become generals and are leading armies in the Clone Wars, Quinlan Vos has remained in the shadows. Sent undercover by the Jedi Council to spy on the Separatists, the Council now fears that Quin has gone too deep. Is he still an agent for the Republic, or has he turned traitor? When Quin disobeys an order to return to Coruscant, another Jedi is sent to bring him back–or end his treachery!


This Story Collected In …

Clone Wars Volume 4 : Light and Dark
Cover Artist:Tomas Giorello
Format:Trade Paperback
Details:112 pages – $16.95 US
Publish Date:June 9, 2004
Publisher:Dark Horse
The Jedi are taught to use the Force for good; to avail themselves only to the light side. But the dark side can be a dangerous temptation to even the strongest Jedi, as Aayla Secura learns when she battles former Jedi-in-training Aurra Sing, and Quinlan Vos discovers when he crosses swords with a true master of the dark, Count Dooku. Set against the backdrop of the Clone Wars, this novel-length adventure is filled with espionage, betrayal, and amazing lightsaber battles. It all begins with a dangerous undercover assignment that leads to?well, we dare not reveal the shocking ending! A story that is sure to have Star Wars fans talking?and wondering whether the fate of the Jedi lies in the light, or the dark?This volume collects Star Wars: Republic issues 54 and 63, Star Wars: Jedi?Aayla Secura, and Star Wars: Jedi?Dooku.


30th Anniversary Collection Volume 5 : Light and Dark
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Brad Anderson
Details:112 pages – $24.95 US
Publish Date:July 4, 2007
Publisher:Dark Horse
The Clone Wars have begun, and what it means to be a Jedi will be changed forever! Taking on new roles as generals, warriors, and even spies, the Jedi face difficult choices about their ideals, and what they are willing to sacrifice for the Republic they are sworn to protect.

Jedi Master Quinlan Vos has had more than his share of brushes with the dark side of the Force, which is exactly why he is chosen to pierce the inner circle of Count Dooku, the ex-Jedi Separatist leader. Yet to complete his mission, Vos must plunge headlong into the shadow of the dark side-a path from which there may be no return!


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