Empire #5-6 : Princess … Warrior


Empire #5-6 : Princess … Warrior~ Time of A New Hope

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Empire #5 : Princess … Warrior #1
Writer:Randy Stradley
Penciller:Davide Fabri
Inker:Christian Dalla Vecchia
Cover Artist:Brian Ching
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:February 5, 2003
Publisher:Dark Horse
In the weeks prior to the events in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Princess Leia Organa undertakes a covert mission to deliver much needed supplies to the Rebel Alliance on the planet Ralltiir, only to have her mission thwarted when the forces of the Empire — including Darth Vader — take control of the planet. Leia escapes without the Imperials discovering the true reason for her visit, but she realizes that the time may be past for talk and “mercy missions.” Turning her attention to another of the galaxy’s trouble spots, Leia finds herself up to her neck in Imperial trouble and comes to terms with the need to take up arms against an evil enemy. Before she was a political firebrand, driven by an outraged sense of justice. Now she must fight to save a people targeted for extinction.


Empire #6 : Princess … Warrior #2
Writer:Randy Stradley
Penciller:Davide Fabri
Inker:Christian Dalla Vecchia
Cover Artist:Brian Ching
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:March 5, 2003
Publisher:Dark Horse
The time: days just prior to the events in Star Wars: A New Hope. On a visit to a planet about to be enslaved by the Empire, Princess Leia comes to the fateful conclusion that impassioned speeches and diplomatic missions may not be enough. Sometimes, in order to prevent the death of innocents, one must pick up a weapon and fight — and kill, if necessary — those who would use force to exert their will over the helpless. A crucial moment in the life of everybody’s favorite Star Wars heroine — and one that very nearly ends the Rebellion before it has even begun!


This Story Collected In …

Empire Volume 4 : The Heart of the Rebellion
Format:Trade Paperback
Details:152 pages – $17.95 US
Publish Date:May 11, 2005
Publisher:Dark Horse
She was the catalyst that helped to turn a rag-tag rebellion into the Rebel Alliance. She provided the impetus for the “Heroes of Yavin” in their attack on the Death Star. And she was the spark that ignited the flames of passion in one of the galaxy’s most notorious rogues. “She,” of course, is Princess Leia, the leader-and heart-of the Rebellion against Palpatine’s galactic Empire. The four stories in this volume follow Leia from the weeks just before the events in A New Hope, to the time just before The Empire Strikes Back-from her first transforming experience with armed rebellion, to facing the ramifications of consequences of the destruction of her home planet, to the beginnings of true love. This volume collects the Star Wars: Valentine one-shot, plus issues #5-#6 and #20-#22 of the ongoing Empire series.


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