Which Species Live on Coruscant?


Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe, is home to a wide range of species. Here are some of the species known to live on Coruscant.


Making Episode IV: Luke Skywalker

As the dominant species in the galaxy, humans make up a significant portion of the population on Coruscant. They are known for their adaptability and intelligence, and many hold important positions in the government, military, and business sectors.

  • Appearance: Variable, but typically bipedal and hairless
  • Known skills/traits: Adaptability, intelligence, diplomacy, military, business, and more
  • Homeworld: Coruscant (although humans are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable humans: Padmé Amidala, Palpatine, Bail Organa, Han Solo, Princess Leia


Twi'leks - Much to Learn

Twi’leks are a humanoid species recognizable by their distinctive head-tails, or “lekku.” They are skilled diplomats and entertainers, and many work in these fields on Coruscant. However, some Twi’leks on the planet are also forced into slavery or servitude due to their exotic appearance.

  • Appearance: Humanoid with distinctive head-tails, or “lekku”
  • Known skills/traits: Diplomacy, entertainment, slavery
  • Homeworld: Ryloth (although Twi’leks are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Twi’leks: Aayla Secura, Hera Syndulla, Bib Fortuna



The Duros are a humanoid species known for their large, round eyes and long, thin fingers. They have a reputation as expert pilots and traders, and many work in these fields on Coruscant.

  • Appearance: Humanoid with large, round eyes and long, thin fingers
  • Known skills/traits: Piloting, trading
  • Homeworld: Duro (although Duros are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Duros: Cad Bane, Sib Canay


Rodians - Much to Learn

Rodians are a reptilian species with green skin and distinctive snouts. They are known for their sharp senses and make excellent bounty hunters or assassins. Some Rodians on Coruscant work in these fields, while others may hold more mundane jobs.

  • Appearance: Reptilian with green skin and distinctive snouts
  • Known skills/traits: Bounty hunting, assassination
  • Homeworld: Rodia (although Rodians are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Rodians: Greedo



Wookiees are a tall, hairy species known for their strength and loyalty. They are often employed as bodyguards or mercenaries on Coruscant due to their formidable physical abilities.

  • Appearance: Tall, hairy with great strength and loyalty
  • Known skills/traits: Bodyguards, mercenaries, hunting, building
  • Homeworld: Kashyyyk (although Wookiees are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Wookiees: Chewbacca, Tarfful


A ranking Bothan spy relays a possible plan of attack to a wing of Rebel pilots. : r/StarWars

The Bothans are a furry, mammalian species known for their espionage skills. They have a reputation as expert spies and are often employed in intelligence gathering on Coruscant.

  • Appearance: Furry, mammalian with sharp senses
  • Known skills/traits: Espionage, intelligence gathering
  • Homeworld: Bothawui (although Bothans are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Bothans: Borsk Fey’lya



Quarren are a squid-like species with four tentacles and distinctive eyestalks. They are excellent swimmers and are often employed in the fishing industry on Coruscant. However, some Quarren may also work in other fields such as politics or business.

  • Appearance: Squid-like with four tentacles and distinctive eyestalks
  • Known skills/traits: Fishing, politics, business
  • Homeworld: Mon Calamari (although Quarren are found throughout the galaxy)
  • Notable Quarren: Tessek, Tundra Dowmeia

Image: Star Wars


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