Aurra’s Song


Aurra’s Song -33 Years BNH

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Dark Horse Presents Annual 2000 : Girls Rule!
Details:64 pages – $4.95 US, $7.50 CAN
Publish Date:June 21, 2000
Publisher:Dark Horse
What do a Jedi-hating bounty hunter, a vampire-slaying college student, an Amazon warrior, a teenage spy, and a first-time super-hero have in common? They’re all females, and they all kick ass! DHP Annual 2000 celebrates girl power with five exciting new stories featuring some of the most fascinating femme fatales in comics: Star Wars’ Aurra Sing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena Warrior Princess’ Gabrielle, SpyBoy’s Bombshell, and, from Ghost, Silhouette! Pick up this 64-page blockbuster and watch these dames show the big boys that Girls Rule!