Darth Maul in Talks for Role on Heroes


Darth Maul
Creative Commons License photo credit: Mr Conguito

According to Entertainment Weekly Ray Park is in talks to have a not so insignificant role in the upcoming season of Heroes. That would be a significant step up as far as action on the show is concerned. With Heroes having its share of struggles recently, this might help turn things around.

Park, of Sith and mutant frog fame, would be a valuable asset on the set. Not just filling a role, be it hero or villain, but as someone with his background working with the other actors. Writes Michael Ausiello:

Little is known about Park’s role, except that he would be playing one of the colorful characters at the center of the show’s Carnivale-esque storyline. (My guess? He’s the character described in the breakdowns as “Knife Thrower.”)



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