Episode 7 Background Story Updates


If you like reading Star Wars novels, or at least plan to keep up with the background story leading up to The Force Awakens, this link may be of interest:  io9-everything-we-know-about-star-wars-post-return-of-the-jedi


It has a lot of information from upcoming and newly released publications, especially novels Aftermath and Lost Stars, so of course there are major *spoilers* in the link. However, there was surprisingly little information about the actual main characters (Luke, Leia, Han). Indeed most of it explains how the Empire and the Rebellion dealt with each other after Return of the Jedi, including a bit about the desert planet with Imperial starship debris that we saw in the second TFA teaser trailer, specifically how it came to be that way.


There is also evidence that bits of the old EU/Legends have made their way into this new canon … hmm.


Victory-class Woman