Get Your Associates Degree in Star Wars!


Of Schoolgirls and Vader
Creative Commons License photo credit: karanj

Going to college is such an eye-opening experience. You get to expand your horizons and learn about other cultures, for one thing. Can it get more awesome? Imagine this: you can pursue your education, have a great college experience, and get your Star Wars fix at the same time! Did I mention the class is at Lake Tahoe, the World Capital of Awesome?

You’re right. I should have told you to sit down first. Sorry about that.

So I got an email from Professor Daryl Frazetti of Lake Tahoe Community College’s Department of Anthropology detailing the new online course. He was known for his Star Trek themed course in the past, but I’m glad he’s forsaken the Dark Side and gone with a Star Wars theme. For the past two years, he’s been presenting workshops and panels at conventions regarding the Anthropology of Star Wars.

Here is some more info on the new course:

Now, we finally will be offering a course online – 1.5 units – The Anthropology of Star Wars. It is basically a cultural anthropology course with a Star Wars theme. It will cover such themes as politics, religion, gender, and more. It will also explore fandom as well as a focus on fan films. Registration begins in November and the class begins early January 2009.

Sounds very exciting, so all you students young and old head on over to to register! Be a Starwars-ologist!


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