Obi-wan Kenobi Motorbikes Through Tatooine


Autre vue de Betsine sur tatooine
Creative Commons License photo credit: epimetheus

Well, we knew it would happen eventually. And what great timing. Ewan McGregor has been motorcycling his way from Scotland through Europe, North Africa, and all the way down to South Africa. This is being documented in the reality series “Long Way Down.” Well, it just so happens that Ewan is in Tunisia and will be going through some of the Tatooine set locations. Doesn’t he realize he’s ripe for a Darth Maul desert ambush?

Quick, where’s Ray Park? He’s dropped off the radar ever since Comic-Con. If I were Ewan, I’d keep alert out there in the desert. You just never know.

Don’t forget to catch the episode this Saturday on Fox Reality Channel. Thanks to Lisa for the heads up!


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