Republic #69-71 : The Dreadnaughts of Rendili


Republic #69-71 : The Dreadnaughts of Rendili -20 Years BNH

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Republic #69 : The Dreadnaughts of Rendili #1
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Brad Anderson
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US
Publish Date:September 29, 2004
Publisher:Dark Horse
While Jedi Masters Saesee Tiin and Plo Koon fight to prevent a fleet of ships from falling into Separatist hands, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers that the Separatists are not without dissension in their own ranks! On board the drifting hulk of a massive research ship, Obi-Wan finds himself taking sides with dark Jedi Quinlan Vos-who is wanted for the murder of a Senator-against another foe.

Vos was once his friend, and the other enemy is one with whom Obi-Wan has crossed swords before. But has Obi-Wan been too hasty in deciding the lesser of two evils? Has Quin become the heartless killer everyone believes him to be? And will he help Obi-Wan escape the apparent death trap into which they fall, or abandon him to save his own skin?


Republic #70 : The Dreadnaughts of Rendili #2
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Brad Anderson
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US
Publish Date:October 27, 2004
Publisher:Dark Horse
Mutineers have taken hostages and are planning to turn over a fleet of Republic warships to the Separatists. Despite the fact that one of the hostages is his friend, and fellow Jedi Council member Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin believes that destroying the fleet may be the only hope of saving the Republic. But Anakin Skywalker has a plan. The plan calls for daredevil flying, split-second timing, and an untested new weapon-so, of course, Anakin is sure of success!

Meanwhile, trapped on a derelict research ship carrying many dangerous species of animals from around the galaxy, Obi-Wan faces his most hated enemy-alone!


Republic #71 : The Dreadnaughts of Rendili #3
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Brad Anderson
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US
Publish Date:December 8, 2004
Publisher:Dark Horse
The action is fast and furious as the Jedi pull out all stops to prevent the Separatists from commandeering the mighty Rendili Fleet.

Anakin Skywalker and renegade Jedi Quinlan Vos team up in their starfighters, Vos is finally captured and broght to justice for his crimes, and Anakin has what he hopes will be a final showdown with dark Jedi Asajj Ventress high above the dark alleys of Coruscant!

Against the backdrop of the Clone Wars, dark deeds are made to seem right, so that even a Jedi might condone revenge!


This Story Collected In …

Clone Wars Volume 6 : On the Fields of Battle
Cover Artist:Tomas Giorello
Format:Trade Paperback
Details:168 pages – $17.95 US
Publish Date:July 20, 2005
Publisher:Dark Horse
From the space-station headquarters of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild, to untamed worlds on the edge of the galaxy, the Jedi must go where the Clone Wars take them.

Mace Windu leads an elite Jedi strikeforce against an army of trained killers in a demonstration of Jedi power and resolve… Aayla Secura must confront her former Master in an effort to retrieve the plans for a weapon that has already destroyed one world … Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker must joins forces with a renegade Jedi to prevent a fleet of warships from falling into the hands of the enemy …

On whatever field of battle the Jedi find themselves, their greatest challenge is to remain true to their teachings and to the ways of the Force!


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