Republic Commando : Triple Zero


Republic Commando : Triple Zero -21 Years BNH

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Republic Commando : Triple Zero
Writer:Karen Traviss
Details:448 pages – $7.50 US, $9.99 CAN
Publish Date:February 28, 2006
Publisher:Del Rey
Set a year after the battle of Geonosis, and follows the continuing missions of Omega Squad. As the Clone Wars casualties mount, the commandos find themselves deployed on increasingly dangerous missions that take them beyond the battlefield and further into sabotage and intelligence operations in the heart of Separatist territory. Newly-promoted Jedi Generals Etain Tur-Mukan and Bardan Jusik are also catapulted into front line combat roles and find themselves identifying strongly with the clone soldiers under their command, who turn out to be anything but predictable cannon fodder.

Omega Squad survives a close brush with disaster to end up in the most potentially dangerous hot spot in the galaxy – pursuing a Separatist terror group in the skylanes and underworld of Coruscant itself, known as Triple Zero in the Grand Army’s slang because its galactic chart co-ordinates are 000. And, as any soldier knows, urban operations on your own turf can be the most deadly of all. So it’s just as well that Omega Squad find themselves working with Delta Squad, and teamed up again with Etain and Jusik – as well as their legendary training sergeant Kal Skirata, and his secret military intelligence unit of “Null” ARC troopers, the black ops team that even the Kaminoans thought were too dangerous to unleash. It’s a critical mission unlike anything any of them have ever tackled – and it tests their friendship and courage to the limit.


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