Star Wars #42-45 : Rite of Passage


Star Wars #42-45 : Rite of Passage -30 Years BNH

BNH=Before ‘A New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Star Wars #42 : Rite of Passage #1
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Ray Kryssing
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Dave McCaig
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:May 15, 2002
Publisher:Dark Horse
A crisis within the government of the planet Ryloth necessitates a Jedi mediator. Master Tholme is dispatched along with the Twi’lek Jedi, Aayla Secura for a visit to the planet of her birth. While Tholme negotiates with those in the seats of power, Aayla goes undercover as a slave — getting a taste of what her life might have been like had she stayed on Ryloth, and discovers a conspiracy that could topple the government and sever Ryloth’s ties to the Republic! Aayla is on the cusp of graduating from Padawan learner to a full-fledged Jedi Knight, but stopping the evil plot may be a test beyond her abilities!


Star Wars #43 : Rite of Passage #2
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Ray Kryssing
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Dave McCaig
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:July 10, 2002
Publisher:Dark Horse
As Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos and his former Padawan Aayla each prepare to take the next step in their lives as Jedi (he to advance to the rank of Master, she from apprentice to Knight), they each make the decision to follow the living Force and see where it will take them. To their surprise, they both end up in the same place — coming upon the threads of a kidnapping plot, a conspiracy against the Republic, and a father-and-son team of bodyguards with the training and the weapons to destroy two meddlesome Jedi! Star Wars action as you like it!


Star Wars #44 : Rite of Passage #3
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Ray Kryssing
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Dave McCaig
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:August 14, 2002
Publisher:Dark Horse
Jedi Master Tholme has been captured by the dreaded Morgukai assassins, and the ship carrying his would-be resucers — Jedi Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura — has been shot down in the lifeless deserts of the planet Kintan. The brave Jedi take everything the Endless Wastes have to throw at them, from searing heat to flesh-scouring sandstorms, but their real challenge comes when they must face the Morgukai…


Star Wars #45 : Rite of Passage #4
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Ray Kryssing
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Cover Artist:Dave McCaig
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US, $4.99 CAN
Publish Date:September 18, 2002
Publisher:Dark Horse
To secure the future of the planet Ryloth — and the continued stability of the Republic — newly-Knighted Jedi Aayla Secura must breech an impenetrable fortress and rescue the young heir of one of Ryloth’s ruling clans, while her former teacher, Quinlan Vos, fights a battle to the death against a father-and-son team of Morgukai assassins who are armed with weapons his lightsaber can’t stop. It may be true that Jedi don’t seek excitement, but excitement has found Quin and Aayla, and it will take every bit of their training to come out of this adventure alive!



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