Star Wars: Battlefront 3


I wanted to wait for E3 to be over before saying anything about Battlefront 3, but alas, there wasn’t much news.

Here is a teaser trailer from DICE (Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment):

(If YouTube has it flagged for some reason, you can click the above link to DICE to view it.)

Here is a short behind-the-scenes trailer linked to by the Official Site:

It’s also posted by GameSpot here with some comments It shows that, at the very least, the planets Hoth and Endor from the Original Trilogy will be in the game, but it does not show what combat will be like, if there will be space battles, or whether anything from the Prequel or even Sequel movies will feature.

As mentioned, Battlefront 3 is being developed by DICE, a Swedish subsidiary of EA (Electronic Arts). It has a projected release of spring 2015, which makes Sequel locations/story unlikely except perhaps as added content later. It will use the Frostbite engine for use on platforms including Xbox One and 360, Microsoft Windows, and PlayStation 3 and 4.

Related: Lucasfilm had announced a couple of months ago that all future Star Wars content, including games, will be “canon.” It’s good to know that the Sequel Trilogy will not be contradicting anything that happens in Battlefront 3. 😉


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