Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens
"Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens" takes place several decades after the events of "Return of the Jedi." A new generation of heroes and villains emerges as the galaxy faces a resurgent threat from the sinister First Order. Amidst the search for the last Jedi and the awakening of a young scavenger's power, the battle between light and dark intensifies once again.
Become a Jedi or a Sith
The Oscars were very disappointing not even a technical award. I sometimes wonder who picks these things. Then again from an industry that brought us the not so Fantastic 4 last year what do you expect? At least the...
Jedi Academy : Leviathan
Jedi Academy : Leviathan ~ 13 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Jedi Academy : Leviathan #1Writer:
Kevin J. AndersonPenciller:
Dario Carrasco, Jr.Inker:
Mark G. HeikeInker:
Bill BlackInker:
David Jacob BeckettCover Artist:
Ray LogoFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $4.15 CANPublish Date:
October 21, 1998Publisher:
Dark HorseIn...
Star Wars Timeline Index
The best comprehensive Star Wars Timeline putting all the books films, comics, film, TV and games in Chronological order based on Year Zero as the time of ' Star Wars IV: A New Hope'. The full index below........ All dates are...
To celebrate the release of The Force Awakens (TFA) in China, here is some information on supplementary literature.
On April 5, fans will be get to read about the events of TFA from Rey’s point of view in this short...
The Force Awakens has been nominated for five Academy Awards related to sound and visuals — in other words, for its awesome TIE fighter noises and BB-8. Episode 7 is now the second-most Oscar nominated Star Wars movie after...
Last Trailers – No Spoilers!
VictoryClassWoman Posts :Last trailers and movie commentary (no spoilers)
The Force Awakens Opens to Rave Reviews
Star Wars The Force Awakens has opened to rave reviews.
TUBI TV Q&A on Twitter
Tubi TV are hosting a special event on Twitter to celebrate the launch of 'The force Awakens'Don't miss what promises to be a very strong debate. JediNet will be there! Will you?George Lucas Friend or Foe?17:00- 19:00 PST 16th...
More Quotes and Articles
As excitement builds and the release date approaches GQ have an exclusive interview with Harrison Ford . Here is a preview and some other quotes from the cast. Read the full interview in the January issue of GQ, on sale...
Filming locations
Filming Locations
Brits scamper around the Isles in attempts to piece together a plot for the upcoming film This article contains spoilers and speculation British Jedi fans have been in overdrive since it was announced the a substantial amount of shooting for...