Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Star Wars Sequel trilogy

Join us as we embrace the continuation of the Star Wars saga, celebrating the new characters, epic battles, and the profound impact of the sequel trilogy. From the return of familiar favorites to the introduction of fresh faces, this trilogy brings together the past, present, and future of the galaxy far, far away.

LOL With Rifftrax’s ROTJ

At last, the final chapter of the Star Wars Saga as riffed by Rifftrax is coming soon (posted as January 22, 2010) to a home theater near you. Check out a brief sample clip:Via ClubJade

Star Wars on Blu-Ray!

photo credit: brunkfordbraun Edit: yep. You guessed right. This was an April fools thing. Ha ha. In a rare slip of the tongue, George Lucas hinted that a Blu-Ray release of the entire Star Wars saga awaits fans later this...

Live Action Series: Casting Begins?

photo credit: blmurch At last, whispers in the dark about the live action TV series! According to the MTV Movies Blog, Rose Byrne (Dorme on Attack of the Clones) reveals casting is currently in progress for the anticipated Lucas...

Looking Forward to ’77

photo credit: skippy13 Irony of ironies: "77" is still an unfinished project, yes, but this film whose trailer won an award in 2006 now has an honest, comprehensive film review. Thanks to Ian, who sent me this heads up: Those...

E3: Force Unleashed on iPhone Demo

Crunchgear is first on the scene with some nice footage of Force Unleashed gameplay on the iPhone. At first I was skeptical about how engaging a mobile version of the game would be, but this looks pretty cool. If...

Interview With ‘First Strike’ Dev Team

As a Star Wars fan and as a gamer, there comes a time when the typical run-of-the-mill Star Wars gaming experience might not be enough. Where's the next great first/third person multiplayer action experience? If you don't want to...

Star Wars: the Last Supper

This is by Eric Deschamps, for Giant Magazine. He writes: "It was quite a challenge for me, especially trying to get the likenesses to semi-work. They wanted selected Star Wars characters in the Last Supper. I started out staying...

Wii Wars at Last!

Must ... have ... Wii ...As if you needed another reason to shell out the wupi-wupi and buy yourself a Wii, looks like being a wiimote-wielding Jedi might be ever closer on the horizon. Like this Fall.Yes, yes, WiiWii...