Solo: A Star Wars Story
"Solo: A Star Wars Story" is an exciting standalone film that delves into the early adventures of the iconic smuggler Han Solo. Set before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy, the movie follows Han's journey as he navigates a dangerous criminal underworld, forms unlikely alliances, and discovers the true meaning of friendship and honor.
The UK fan Experience by Mark Newbold – Carrie Fisher: The Road to Star Wars
UK Fan Experience: Carrie Fisher: The Road To Star Wars The arrival on the pop culture landscape of Star Wars was like a neutron bomb going off. Within seemingly no time at all, references were springing up across the entertainment...
The Cantina Wolfmen – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
The Mos Eisley Spaceport cantina, that wretched hive of scum and villainy… And werewolves? The cantina scene featured two wolfmen, but you might not find them in your copy of Star Wars. Who are they? Why did they disappear?
The New Jedi Order : Dark Tide
The New Jedi Order : Dark Tide ~ 25Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’The New Jedi Order : Dark Tide #1 - OnslaughtWriter:
Michael A. StackpoleCover Artist:
John HarrisFormat:
292 pages - $6.99 US, $9.99 CANPublish Date:
February 1, 2000Publisher:
Chewbacca ~ 25Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Chewbacca #1Writer:
Darko MacanPenciller:
Brent AndersonInker:
Will BlybergArtist:
Igor KordeyCover Artist:
Sean PhillipsFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $4.15 CANPublish Date:
January 19, 2000Publisher:
Dark HorseDark Horse proudly releases a series detailing, for the first time ever,...
Dark Empire II
Dark Empire II - 10 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Dark Empire II #1 - Operation Shadow HandWriter:
Tom VeitchArtist:
Cam KennedyCover Artist:
Dave DormanFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $4.15 CANPublish Date:
December 20, 1994Publisher:
Dark HorseThe Empire in retreat,...
Dark Empire
Dark Empire - 10 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Dark Empire #1 - The Destiny of a JediWriter:
Tom VeitchArtist:
Cam KennedyCover Artist:
Dave DormanFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $3.55 CANPublish Date:
December 17, 1991Publisher:
Dark HorseSix years after Return...
The Thrawn Trilogy #3 – The Last Command – Comics Adaptation
The Thrawn Trilogy #3 - The Last Command - Comics Adaptation - 9 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’The Last Command #1Writer:
Mike BaronStory:
Timothy ZahnArtist:
Edvin BiukovicCover Artist:
Mathieu LauffrayFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $4.15 CANPublish Date:
November 26,...
The Thrawn Trilogy #1 – Heir to the Empire – Comics Adaptation
The Thrawn Trilogy #1 - Heir to the Empire - Comics Adaptation - 9 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Heir to the Empire #1Writer:
Mike BaronStory:
Timothy ZahnArtist:
Olivier VatineArtist:
Fred BlanchardCover Artist:
Mathieu LauffrayFormat:
32 pages - $2.95 US, $4.15...
The Thrawn Trilogy – Novels
The Thrawn Trilogy - Novels - 9 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’The Thrawn Trilogy #1 - Heir to the EmpireWriter:
Timothy ZahnCover Artist:
Tom JungFormat:
361 pages - $15.00 US, $18.00 CANPublish Date:
June 4, 1991Publisher:
BantamIt's five years...
Classic Star Wars : Return of the Jedi
Classic Star Wars : Return of the Jedi ~4 Years ANH
BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’ ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Classic Star Wars : Return of the Jedi #1Writer:
Archie GoodwinArtist:
Al WilliamsonArtist:
Carlos GarzonCover Artist:
Adam HughesFormat:
48 pages - $3.50 US, $4.90 CANPublish Date: