Star Wars’ Dave Filoni reveals how The Clone Wars influenced The Mandalorian


Lucasfilm Executive Producer Dave Filoni has shared how his work on The Clone Wars influenced the future of The Mandalorian.

Speaking to Empire, Filoni opened up about a number of topics, referencing the future of Grogu and the Star Wars franchise in general. What’s more, he touched on how lessonns from past titles influence shows that are still going on today.

“There’s a big question at the end of Season 2, of what will Mando do next? Is that relationship over? In life, things don’t always come to a perfect ending,” Filoni told Empire. “I think things can continue on, and your adventure continues every day. I used to think about it with Clone Wars all the time. When is that battle over? When is that struggle over, because it culminates in Revenge of the Sith?

“But that can’t be the ending for that show, even though that’s the ending of that era. That took a while to figure out.”

Using Rebels as an example of offering a conclusive ending, but still leaving the door open for more, Filoni said that this approach also led to the birth of Ahsoka, The Mandalorian, and even The Bad Batch.

“I think that in some ways you want each season to have a feeling of an ending,” the producer reflected. “But in a lot of what I’ve done, I don’t like hard endings. I like reading books in a series and then thinking, ‘Oh, there’s another book, and this is going to keep going.’

“It’s always sad for me when an adventure ends and the characters are seemingly done with their journey. So I think there’s always that little bit of hope that something can continue.”

Featured image: Lucasfilm


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