Star Wars Rebels
Star Wars: Rebels, a pivotal series in the Star Wars franchise, takes us into the era preceding A New Hope. This animated series focuses on a diverse group of rebels from the planet Lothal who dare to stand up against the Empire's tyranny. It's a tale of camaraderie, courage, and the spark of hope that lights the fire of rebellion.
Star Wars This Week – 7 April 2017
The week's newest Star Wars-related news and most entertaining content--curated by a Star Wars fan, for the Star Wars fan...
Kyle Katarn – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
The Chuck Norris of Star Wars. He stole the Death Star plans before Jyn Erso. He stopped the Dark Trooper Project. Stormtrooper. Mercenary. Jedi. Master.
Untold Star Wars by Graham Hancock : The Wampa Ice Creature
Untold Star Wars : The Wampa Ice CreatureThere is a tradition in Star Wars movies of cutting between multiple action scenes, particularly in the climax of each film – it’s something that George Lucas always seems to take a...
Wedge Antilles – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
The template for Poe Dameron. The galaxy’s greatest buddy. The galaxy’s greatest fighter ace. Rogue Leader. Commando. The only Rebel pilot to fly against and survive both Death Stars.
Talon Karrde – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
He is who would Han Solo would be if not for Chewbacca, Luke, and Leia. Owner of a fleet of red Star Destroyers. Sometime ally of the New Republic. A smuggler-king who plays all sides.
There’s an entire galaxy of...
Bossk – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
The second most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. Killer of Wookiees. Partner to Ezra Bridger. Bodyguard to Boba Fett.
There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the...
Mara Jade Skywalker – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
Who in the Galaxy is That? - Mara Jade SkywalkerLuke Skywalker’s wife. Mother of his child. Jedi Master. Former Emperor’s Hand and Vader rival. Trained to assassinate Luke Skywalker. And… Rey’s mother?She is the single most popular Star Wars...
Moff Tarkin – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke
There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the other faces that dominate the Star Wars films. Who in the Galaxy is That? profiles individual characters from the...
Rogue One characters
October 11, 2016Mild spoilers for Rogue One: a Star Wars Story in this update.I have been sent some links about the essay by British actor and musician Riz Ahmed, about typecasting, that The Guardian posted last month and that...
Rogue One nine-month update
March 16, 2016Towards the end of 2015 I began to withdraw from much of the Internet to avoid Episode VII spoilers (a good decision), the side effect being that I also ignored the various Rogue One tidbits coming my...