Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Star Wars Clone Wars

Star Wars: Clone Wars, an animated micro-series, bridges the gap between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, focusing on the major battles and personal struggles of the Jedi and the Clone Army during this tumultuous period. This series brings to life the thrilling action, strategic maneuvers, and crucial events that define the Clone Wars.

UK Fan Experience by Mark Newbold: Smelly Rubbers

UK Fan Experience: UK Smelly Rubbers and Pencil ToppersBack in the heady days of the original trilogy, while young kids at school looked out of the window and wished they were in the cantina, or blasting at AT-AT’s in...

Untold Star Wars by Graham Hancock : Padme’s Family

Untold Star Wars: Padme’s FamilyPerhaps due to George Lucas’ enjoyment of crafting a new generation of Star Wars characters in the prequels – who then couldn’t all have the requisite amount of screen time – Padme Amidala was the...

Walrus Man and Dr. Evazan – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Wanted men. The originators of the severed arm running gag. The surgeon and the thug. Pirates. Spicerunners. They escaped Jedha but not Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Kit Fisto – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Famous for his battle smile. Green-skinned and tentacled with a green lightsaber. Jedi Master. Amphibious Nautolan. Hero of Geonisis, Mon Cala, and Ord Cestus.

Greedo – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

He is at the center of history’s most controversial Star Wars moment. He was beat up by Anakin Skywalker. He is a legendary failure. He is Greedo the Young.

The Royal Guard – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Emperor Palpatine’s personal guard and assassin squad. Always at his side. Silent. Loyal. Deadly. There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the other faces that dominate the Star...

Bossk – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

The second most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. Killer of Wookiees. Partner to Ezra Bridger. Bodyguard to Boba Fett. There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the...

Moff Tarkin – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the other faces that dominate the Star Wars films. Who in the Galaxy is That? profiles individual characters from the...

The Thrawn Trilogy – Novels

The Thrawn Trilogy - Novels -  9 Years ANH BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’The Thrawn Trilogy #1 - Heir to the EmpireWriter: Timothy ZahnCover Artist: Tom JungFormat: HardcoverDetails: 361 pages - $15.00 US, $18.00 CANPublish Date: June 4, 1991Publisher: BantamIt's five years...

Star Wars Timeline Index

The best comprehensive Star Wars Timeline putting all the books films, comics,  film, TV and games  in Chronological order based on Year Zero as the time of ' Star Wars IV: A New Hope'. The full index below........ All dates are...