Set after the events of “Revenge of the Sith, the game follows the story of Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan who survived the Order 66 massacre and has been living in hiding as a scrapper on the planet Bracca. When he uses the Force to save a friend from a deadly accident, he is forced to flee and embarks on a journey to restore the Jedi Order.
Along the way, Cal is pursued by two Inquisitors, who are tasked with hunting down and eliminating any surviving Jedi. The Second Sister, whose real name is Trilla Suduri, is the primary antagonist of the game. She is a former Jedi Padawan who was captured by the Empire and tortured until she turned to the dark side and became an Inquisitor. She is a skilled fighter and powerful Force user, and she is determined to capture Cal and any other surviving Jedi.
Who is Trilla Suduri?
Trilla Suduri |
Alias: Second Sister |
Species: Human |
Gender: Female |
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire (formerly a Jedi Padawan) |
Weapon: Double-bladed spinning lightsaber |
Force Abilities: Skilled in lightsaber combat and use of the Force, including telekinesis, Force push, and Force pull |
Backstory: Trained as a Jedi Padawan, Trilla was captured by the Empire and subjected to torture and brainwashing until she turned to the dark side and became an Inquisitor. She is tasked with hunting down any surviving Jedi, including Cal Kestis, the game’s protagonist. Throughout the game, Trilla’s past and motivations are explored, adding depth and complexity to her character. |
The Ninth Sister is another Inquisitor who serves as a boss in the game. Her real name is Masana Tide, and she is a member of the Dowutin species. She is a large, imposing figure who wields a double-bladed lightsaber, and she is also tasked with hunting down Jedi. While she is not as prominent in the story as the Second Sister, she is still a formidable opponent who presents a significant challenge for Cal.
Who is Masana Tide?
Masana Tide |
Alias: Ninth Sister |
Species: Dowutin |
Gender: Female |
Affiliation: The Galactic Empire |
Weapon: Double-bladed lightsaber |
Force Abilities: Skilled in lightsaber combat and use of the Force, including telekinesis, Force push, and Force pull |
Backstory: Masana Tide is a member of the Dowutin species and a powerful warrior. She was recruited by the Empire to become an Inquisitor and is tasked with hunting down any surviving Jedi. Throughout the game, players must face her in several challenging boss battles. Despite her loyalty to the Empire, she shows a willingness to question orders and think for herself, hinting at a more complex character beneath the surface. |
Throughout the game, players must face both Inquisitors in several intense boss battles. These encounters require careful strategy and quick reflexes, as both Inquisitors have unique fighting styles and abilities. In addition to their combat skills, the Inquisitors are also intriguing characters with complex backstories and motivations, adding depth and complexity to the game’s narrative.
Image: Respawn Entertainment