The Kindalo are a unique and intriguing species in the Star Wars universe. These subterranean beings inhabit the underworld of the planet Aleen in the Outer Rim Territories.
Physical Characteristics and Habitation
Kindalo are tall, bioluminescent beings, notable for their luminescent white eyes and the gentle glow that radiates from their bodies, a trait that is particularly useful in their dark, subterranean environment. Their towering stature, reaching up to five meters in height, and elongated limbs give them a distinctive and somewhat eerie appearance.
The Kindalo reside in the underworld of Aleen, a network of caverns beneath the surface of the planet. They share their world with another species, the Aleena, who live on the planet’s surface.
Culture and Beliefs
Kindalo society is defined by their strong belief in maintaining the balance between the underworld and the surface of Aleen. They hold that the surface dwellers should not interfere with the underworld and vice versa, a belief that stems from an ancient agreement between the Kindalo and the Aleena.
The Kindalo in Star Wars Media
The Kindalo made their first appearance in the Star Wars franchise in the animated series “Star Wars: The Clone Wars”. In the episode “Mercy Mission”, R2-D2 and C-3PO end up on Aleen after a devastating earthquake and encounter the Kindalo in the planet’s underworld.
Kindalo FAQs
Q: Where do the Kindalo live?
A: The Kindalo live in the underworld of the planet Aleen, in the Outer Rim Territories.
Q: What is the relationship between the Kindalo and the Aleena?
A: The Kindalo and the Aleena coexist on the same planet but inhabit different regions – the Kindalo live in the underworld, and the Aleena live on the surface. They have an ancient agreement to maintain the balance between their two worlds.
Q: How do the Kindalo look?
A: Kindalo are tall, luminescent beings with white eyes and a gentle glow that radiates from their bodies. They can reach up to five meters in height and have elongated limbs.
Q: When do the Kindalo appear in Star Wars media?
A: The Kindalo first appeared in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, specifically in the episode Mercy Mission.
Q: What are the Kindalo’s beliefs?
A: The Kindalo have a strong belief in maintaining the balance between the underworld and the surface of Aleen. They believe that the surface dwellers should not interfere with the underworld and vice versa.
Articles that mention the Kindalo
image: Star Wars