What Did Finn Want To Tell Rey in The Rise of Skywalker?


In the final instalment of the Star Wars saga, The Rise of Skywalker, there is a moment where Finn, played by John Boyega, appears to want to tell Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, something important. However, he is never given the chance to do so, leaving fans wondering what exactly he was trying to say.

The Mystery of Finn’s Secret

In The Rise of Skywalker, there is a pivotal scene where Finn, Rey, and Poe land on Pasaana in search of a Sith Wayfinder. While navigating the desert planet, they are thrown into a sinking field, a kind of quicksand unique to Star Wars.

As they are sinking, Finn turns to Rey and urgently says, “Rey, I never told you…,” but before he can finish his sentence, he disappears beneath the surface of the sand, leaving both Rey and audiences in suspense about what he intended to say. The implication appears to be that Finn has something significant and personal to share with Rey, but the chaotic circumstances interrupt him.

Later in the film, Rey confronts Finn about what he was going to say. Finn replies that he will tell her later, and, somewhat humorously, Poe Dameron interjects, also curious about what Finn wanted to say. However, the film never directly returns to this moment, leaving it somewhat ambiguous.

The Theories

One theory is that Finn was going to tell Rey that he loves her. This theory is supported by the fact that Finn has shown a romantic interest in Rey in the past, and that he appeared to be trying to tell her something personal. However, this theory has been dismissed by the filmmakers, who have stated that Finn’s secret was not romantic in nature.

Another theory is that Finn was going to tell Rey that he is Force-sensitive. This theory is supported by the fact that Finn has demonstrated some sensitivity to the Force in the past, such as when he was able to sense that the Starkiller Base was about to fire. However, this theory has also been dismissed by the filmmakers, who have stated that Finn’s secret was not related to the Force.

The most likely theory is that Finn was going to tell Rey that he knows the location of a First Order spy within their ranks. This theory is supported by the fact that Finn spent much of the movie trying to track down the spy, and that he was shown to be developing a close relationship with a former stormtrooper named Jannah, who may have provided him with the information he was going to share with Rey.

Confirmation from JJ Abrams

Reportedly, an Academy screening of TROS saw director JJ Abrams confirm what Finn was about to say, according to CNET. When asked by a fan, Abram stated that Finn was about to reveal his Force sensitivity to Rey, seemingly wanting to make sure she knew before they both succumbed to an uncertain fate.

Image: Star Wars


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