Legacy #11-12 : The Ghosts of Ossus


Legacy #11 : The Ghosts of Ossus #1
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US
Publish Date:May 9, 2007
Publisher:Dark Horse
Cade Skywalker takes up a lightsaber once again–but not for the reason the Jedi had hoped!

In fact, some among the Jedi are becoming suspicious of Cade and his undisciplined power. Haunted by the tragedies of his own life and the actions of his ancestors, Cade’s denial of the past could be laying the seeds for a terrifying future. Amidst the ruins of his childhood, a decision will lead to a discovery, bringing Cade that much closer to his destiny.

Meanwhile, Cade’s old allies Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn face uncertain futures of their own, betrayed and delivered into the hands of a deadly enemy they thought they’d left behind. Whether or not they live to see tomorrow relies on what they know about the last Skywalker heir–and what they’re willing to reveal!


Legacy #12 : The Ghosts of Ossus #2
Writer:John Ostrander
Penciller:Jan Duursema
Inker:Dan Parsons
Cover Artist:Jan Duursema
Details:32 pages – $2.99 US
Publish Date:May 23, 2007
Publisher:Dark Horse
Beneath the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Ossus lies a powerful secret that, in the wrong hands, could end the legacy of the Jedi once and for all!

Now, at the site of his father’s death, Cade Skywalker must decide what he owes the past, and how it will shape his future. Personal responsibility is not a well-developed trait in this last heir to the Skywalker name, and Cade will be forced to look past his fears, addictions, and painful memories if he is to take up the mantle that has been offered him.


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