The Thrawn Trilogy #1 – Heir to the Empire – Comics Adaptation


The Thrawn Trilogy #1 – Heir to the Empire – Comics Adaptation –  9 Years ANH

BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’

Heir to the Empire #1
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:October 3, 1995
Publisher:Dark Horse
The tyranny has ended. But what will take its place? It is now five years after Return of the Jedi. Leia and Han are married and have shouldered heavy burdens in the government of the New Republic. And Luke Skywalker is the first in a hoped-for new line of Jedi Knights.

But thousands of light-years away, the last of the Emperor’s warlords, Grand Admiral Thrawn, has taken command of the remains of the Imperial fleet. Thrawn has made two vital discoveries that could destroy the Rebel Alliance’s New Republic. The tale that emerges is a towering epic of action, invention, mystery, and a spectacle of galactic scale — in short, a story that is worthy of the name Star Wars.


Heir to the Empire #2
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:November 7, 1995
Publisher:Dark Horse
Five years after the Empire’s defeat in Return of the Jedi, the forces of the Empire have rallied. Even as Luke Skywalker searches for Jedi to join him in the inevitable battle, Grand Admiral Thrawn, the last of the Emperor’s warlords, schemes with Joruus C’Baoth to end the battle before it can begin. Out-manned, out-numbered, and sorely out-gunned, Luke fears there is no hope. It’s up to him to challenge Thrawn, the heir to the Empire.


Heir to the Empire #3
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:December 12, 1995
Publisher:Dark Horse
When an Imperial assassin puts Leia in his cross-hairs, Chewbacca crosses the galaxy to take Leia to a place of safety. But there are things in the galaxy that are worse than being assassinated, and “safety” is only relative.


Heir to the Empire #4
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:January 3, 1996
Publisher:Dark Horse
Luke Skywalker’s Jedi senses have been struck blind! To make matters worse, Grand Admiral Thrawn has just arranged to receive a shipment of creatures capable of pushing back the power of the Force. Thrawn’s purpose: to ambush Luke and turn him over to the dark Jedi Master, Joruus C’baoth!


Heir to the Empire #5
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:March 12, 1996
Publisher:Dark Horse
Mara Jade has survived for most of her life among the worst riffraff in the galaxy. Years ago, she posed as a dancer in the decadent court of the late Jabba the Hutt. It was there that she first witnessed Luke’s awesome powers of Jedi mind-control. Now, in the steaming jungles of Myrkr, Luke and Artoo are Jade’s helpless captives. Jade is determined to finish off her Jedi prisoner — once she’s finished stripping him of his Jedi secrets!


Heir to the Empire #6
Writer:Mike Baron
Story:Timothy Zahn
Artist:Olivier Vatine
Artist:Fred Blanchard
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Details:32 pages – $2.95 US, $4.15 CAN
Publish Date:April 30, 1996
Publisher:Dark Horse
Luke Skywalker has been bereft of the Force for some time now, and has had to rely on his wits and cunning to stay out of the hands of the Imperials. Now, disguised as a bounty hunter with the beautiful and lethal Mara Jade as his prisoner, he has to find Captain Talon Karrde, rescue Han from the Empire’s clutches, and reunite with the other architects of the Rebellion. But even if Luke and Han prevail, the Rebellion may be on the verge of destruction, unraveling itself in a bloody civil war!


This Story Collected In …

Heir to the Empire
Cover Artist:Mathieu Lauffray
Format:Trade Paperback
Details:160 pages – $19.95 US, $30.95 CAN
Publish Date:September 1, 1996
Publisher:Dark Horse
The tyranny has ended, but what will take its place? Five years after Return of the Jedi, Leia and Han are married and have shouldered heavy burdens in the government of the New Republic, and Luke Skywalker is the first in a hoped-for new line of Jedi Knights. But thousands of light-years away, the last of the Emperor’s warlords, Grand Admiral Thrawn, has taken command of the remains of the Imperial fleet. Thrawn has made two vital discoveries that could destroy the Rebel Alliance’s New Republic — two discoveries whose names both end in Solo!


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