Greetings to everyone out there who has read or contributed to this website in the Past. is under new management and we want to make it new and exciting. We have already made changes to the Navigation so it is easier to get round and see all your Favourite Articles. Additionally we have made the site more responsive so that you can use your tablet or phone, but this is only the beginning…..
We are starting with a full refresh of overall design which we hope to launch in the next few weeks, and we are looking for Fresh Content. If you have contributed in the past, have something new to say, or simply want to promote your particular corner of the Universe (expanded or otherwise), then get in touch.
Offering a tailored experience is our goal so we are open to suggestions from you: What would you like to know more about (and No! I don’t know the plot for VII)? Would you like a chat room? Would you like to have a page just to start discussion threads?
The words of our mission statement will change slightly to ‘For Fans by Fans’ and although this appears to be a minor change, it transforms our mission into providing an exchange Platform as well as news channel.
Once again, thank you all for your support over the years and I look forward to a long and fruitful co-habitation in Cyberspace.
Finally, I was 18 (supposedly grown up) when I saw Episode IV. I remember leaving the cinema and dancing along Southampton High Street waving a bit of stick around like a 5 year old! I can hardly wait for December! Now, where did I leave that stick?
The jEditor