Tuesday, February 4, 2025
HomeStar Wars Animated SeriesStar Wars Young Jedi Adventures

Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures

Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, an enthralling addition to the Star Wars animated series, immerses us in the lives of a new generation of Padawans training to become Jedi Knights. This animated series takes us on a journey of discovery, adventure, and learning, highlighting the trials, triumphs, and daily life at the Jedi Temple.

Lobot – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Appearing onscreen first—and only—in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back as Lando Calrissian’s executive assistant in Cloud City, Lobo has since been fleshed out into a 3-dimensional character with an interesting history as Calrissian’s version of Chewbacca.

Zam Wesell – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Bounty hunter. Shapeshifter. Partner to Jango Fett. Friend to Boba Fett. Padme’s would-be assassin.

Kit Fisto – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Famous for his battle smile. Green-skinned and tentacled with a green lightsaber. Jedi Master. Amphibious Nautolan. Hero of Geonisis, Mon Cala, and Ord Cestus.

Greedo – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

He is at the center of history’s most controversial Star Wars moment. He was beat up by Anakin Skywalker. He is a legendary failure. He is Greedo the Young.

Wedge Antilles – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

The template for Poe Dameron. The galaxy’s greatest buddy. The galaxy’s greatest fighter ace. Rogue Leader. Commando. The only Rebel pilot to fly against and survive both Death Stars.

Qui-Gon Jinn – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

The original bad boy Jedi. A maverick Jedi Master indirectly responsible for Luke Skywalker rising above the cloistered folly of the old Jedi Order. He has a rich history despite appearing, and dying, in only a single film.

Bossk – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

The second most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy. Killer of Wookiees. Partner to Ezra Bridger. Bodyguard to Boba Fett. There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the...

Mara Jade Skywalker – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

Who in the Galaxy is That? - Mara Jade SkywalkerLuke Skywalker’s wife. Mother of his child. Jedi Master. Former Emperor’s Hand and Vader rival. Trained to assassinate Luke Skywalker. And… Rey’s mother?She is the single most popular Star Wars...

Moff Tarkin – Who in the Galaxy is That? – by Pariah Burke

There’s an entire galaxy of characters and adventures beyond Luke, Leia, Han, Rey, Finn, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and the other faces that dominate the Star Wars films. Who in the Galaxy is That? profiles individual characters from the...

Classic Star Wars

Classic Star Wars~2 Years ANH BNH=Before ‘a New Hope’     ANH=After ‘A New Hope’Classic Star Wars #1Writer: Archie GoodwinArtist: Al WilliamsonCover Artist: Al WilliamsonFormat: ComicDetails: 32 pages - $2.50 US, $3.00 CANPublish Date: August 4, 1992Publisher: Dark HorseThe events in Classic Star Wars take place between the...