Star Wars Original trilogy
Welcome to the STAR WARS Original Trilogy section of, where we celebrate the timeless saga that sparked a cultural phenomenon and captured the hearts and imaginations of fans around the world. Step back into a galaxy far, far away and immerse yourself in the iconic adventures that started it all.
Return of the Jedi: Better Than Its Reputation?
Saturday’s Six: Why Return of the Jedi is better than its reputation « Mutant Reviewers From Hell.
LOL With Rifftrax’s ROTJ
At last, the final chapter of the Star Wars Saga as riffed by Rifftrax is coming soon (posted as January 22, 2010) to a home theater near you. Check out a brief sample clip:Via ClubJade
How Episode IV Should Have Ended
We've all had our laughs at various plot points in the prequels, but the website How it Should Have Ended proves that pretty much any film can yield comedic inconsistencies when under scrutiny. Check out this one on how...
Star Wars Live!
If you're going to be in the San Francisco area any time in the near future, be sure to check out Star Wars Live on stage at the Dark Room Theater. It shows on Fridays and Saturdays through December...
One Fan’s Post Mortem of Star Wars
photo credit: Yogi
With Clone Wars transitioning from its run in the theaters to the TV screen, many fans are left with mixed feelings about the state of the Star Wars franchise. Some, undoubtedly, enjoyed the films and look...
The Return of ‘Tremors in the Force’
photo credit: Jesse757
Back in the day, JediNet used to offer a regular newsletter entitled "Tremors in the Force" featuring Star Wars related news and rumors. Alas, the prequel storm has quieted down since those early years, and the...
A Peek at the Clone Wars Series
photo credit: jed1_j1m
So far, so good.Denise Martin of the LA Times wrote about her first look at the Clone Wars series. Overall, she gives a favorable review, mentioning that this animated series rivals or bests the live-action prequels....
Site Updates and Notes
You may have noticed a slight hiccup as JediNet went through a server change. Everything is back to normal, for the most part, and you may notice a few new features. First, JediNet now supports the OpenID protocol. So...
Interview With ‘First Strike’ Dev Team
As a Star Wars fan and as a gamer, there comes a time when the typical run-of-the-mill Star Wars gaming experience might not be enough. Where's the next great first/third person multiplayer action experience? If you don't want to...