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Star Wars Console & PC Games

Welcome to JediNet.com's guide to Star Wars console and PC games! Get ready to embark on epic adventures, engage in intense battles, and immerse yourself in the rich lore of the Star Wars universe. From lightsaber duels to space combat and strategic conquest, the galaxy awaits your command. Join us as we explore the diverse range of Star Wars games available on consoles and PCs, allowing you to become the hero or villain you've always dreamed of.

How Do You Swim Underwater in Jedi: Fallen Order?

Swimming underwater is a crucial skill to master in Jedi: Fallen Order, as it is necessary to navigate certain areas and uncover hidden secrets. Here's how to swim underwater in the game:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1yKbA2r9M8&pp=ygUhc3dpbSB1bmRlcndhdGVyIGplZGkgZmFsbGVuIG9yZGVy Step 1: Find Water The first step to swimming...

How Do You Save in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order?

Saving your progress in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is straightforward, but it's important to know how the game's save system works to avoid losing progress. Here's how to save in Jedi Fallen Order.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa230F2xoyg&pp=ygUdbWFudWFsIHNhdmUgSmVkaSBGYWxsZW4gT3JkZXI%3D Auto-Save System Jedi Fallen Order has an...

How Do You Complete Chapter 1: Bracca in Jedi Fallen Order?

Chapter 1 of Jedi Fallen Order takes place on the planet Bracca. The main objective of this chapter is to escape from the planet and reach the Zeffo homeworld. Here are the steps to complete Chapter 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd3UdcOEgLY&pp=ygUbQnJhY2NhIGluIEplZGkgRmFsbGVuIE9yZGVy Step 1: Explore...

First impressions of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor reveal a satisfying sequel

With Star Wars Jedi: Survivor less than a month away, first impressions of the video game make game it sound like a very satisfying sequel indeed. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be releasing on April 28, with the highly-anticipated video...

Every Move From Jedi: Fallen Order

Jedi: Fallen Order is a third-person action-adventure game set in the Star Wars universe. As a Jedi Padawan named Cal Kestis, you'll travel to various planets, fight against the Empire, and restore the Jedi Order. To succeed in this...

How To Master Lightsaber Combat in Jedi: Fallen Order

Lightsaber combat has always been one of the most iconic aspects of the Star Wars universe, and in Jedi: Fallen Order, it takes centre stage as players take on the role of Cal Kestis, a young Padawan on a...

Who Plays Saw Gerrera in Star Wars?

Saw Gerrera is a renowned figure in the Star Wars universe, known for his fervent rebellion against the Galactic Empire. First introduced in The Clone Wars animated series, Saw became a key player in the rebellion, embodying a more...

Who Plays Cere in Jedi Fallen Order?

Cere Junda is a compelling character in the Star Wars franchise, introduced in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Once a Jedi Knight, Cere survived the Order 66 purge by the Galactic Empire, which marked the near-annihilation...

How To Fast Travel in Fallen Order

Fast travel is a convenient feature in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order that allows players to quickly move between different locations without having to traverse the entire map. Here's how to fast travel in the game. Activate meditation points In order...

How to Defeat Malicious in Jedi: Fallen Order

Malicos is a formidable opponent encountered in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and he can be quite challenging to defeat. However, there are several strategies that players can use to defeat him and progress through the game. Use Cal's Force...